10 Haziran 2015 Çarşamba

Final Teaching Lesson Plan

Name/Surname: M. Gülsüm Ören, Özlem Önal                                                                  
Institution/ Context of language teaching: Atatürk Anatolian High School/Prep K
Material Used:           Reading & Exercise Handout: “Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder?”, Signboards, Paper-made speech bubbles           , Computer, Projector, Board Marker, Sheets of paper
Lesson Focus: Reading focused integrated skills
Learners’ previous knowledge:
  • Inferring meaning
  • Skimming and scanning
  • Expressing ideas clearly
Learner profile:  35 students, A2 Level
Anticipated problems & Remedies during Teaching:
  • Problem 1: Technical problems related to the computer and projector may occur.
Remedy 1: Teacher will show the video on his/her personal computer.
  • Problem 2: Some students might not be able to grasp the main idea of the video.
Remedy 2: Teacher will initiate some interaction among students to share their interpretations of the video so that everyone can get an idea related to the video.
  • Problem 3: Some students may lose interest in the related topic.
Remedy 3: Teacher will provide a song about real beauty to appeal to their interest.
Goal of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, the students will;
1. increase their awareness about real beauty.
2. develop their reading skills in general.
Objectives of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, the students will have;
1.    practiced speaking skills through sharing their opinions about the associated topic.
2.    practiced listening skills via watching and commenting on a video.
3.    practiced skimming skills via a reference words and a T/F activity.
4.    practiced scanning skills through some comprehension questions.
5.    practiced writing skills by describing the positive physical features of  their classmates.

Lesson Plan (The Procedure)


Interaction Pattern


·        Before Ss enter the class, T places two signboards to the two ends of the class bearing the titles “average” and “beautiful”.
·        T avoids influencing the choices of the Ss, therefore, s/he makes no explanations before the Ss sit down.
·        After the Ss get to choose themselves a seat, T starts exploring what the criteria for the Ss have been in making up their minds.
·        Upon collecting some responses, T comes to a conclusion by telling that beauty is a subjective term possessing many interpretations.
·        Knowing that beauty has many different interpretations, T wants Ss to define their beauty perceptions with just one word by writing them down on the speech bubbles already prepared by the T.
·        T distributes the speech bubbles after giving the instruction that Ss have 2 minutes to complete the task.
·        After 2 minutes, T wants Ss to raise their speech bubbles randomly, and makes them read the words written on them out loud.
·        T also demands the reasons of the Ss for choosing their specific beauty definitions.
·        T directs the lesson to a related video (Appendix A) .
·        Before playing it, T gives the instruction that s/he wants Ss to note down the possible messages of the video while watching it.
·        T makes Ss watch the related video.
·        Ss are expected to share their opinions about the possible messages of the video.
·        Upon hearing some responses, T directs Ss to the related idiom which plays an important role in guessing the topic of the lesson.
·        T writes the related idiom “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder” on the board.
·        T inquires if this idiom means anything to the Ss.
·        T provides some possible interpretations of the idiom, if the Ss find it hard to come up with acceptable definitions.   

Paper-made speech bubbles

Video Clip

A  computer with a media player compatible with “wmv” files

Board Marker








·       The signboards are used in order to make Ss to question their perceptions on beauty.

·        Video is used for attracting Ss’ interest and attention to the main topic.

·        T-S interaction aims to keep the students engaged in the lesson.

While – Reading
·        T moves on to the reading passage “Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder?” (Appendix B)
·        T gives instructions about the following skimming activity (including reference words and T/F questions).
·        T distributes the reading passage and activity hand-outs.
·        Ss go over the text quickly and answer the questions on the first part of the activity hand-outs in 10 minutes.
·        T elicits answers.
·        T asks Ss to look at comprehension questions on the second part of the activity hand-outs.
·        Ss read the text in detail and answer the comprehension questions in 20 minutes.
·        T asks Ss to share their answers with the whole class.
·        T corrects their mistakes and gives feedback at some points.
Reading Passage Hand-out

Activity Hand-outs






·       Scanning activity informs Ss about the topic and leads them into the text.

·       T aims to understand via comprehension questions if Ss have read the passage thoroughly and mastered it completely.

Post Reading
·         T tells Ss to work individually.
·         T distributes each student a piece of paper on which a name of his/her classmate is written. T explains that the Ss are supposed to write down what they regard to be beautiful about their friends’ physical appearances.
·         T collects the descriptions and picks some of them randomly in order to read them out loud.
·         Ss try to guess the people defined in the descriptions.
·         T elicits answers.
·         T delivers the rest of the descriptions to the people they have been described on them due to the time limit.
·         Upon every S has finished reading his/her descriptions, T wants everybody reenter the class and re-decide in which corner of the class they really would like to sit after all these activities.
·         T projects the actual message of the lesson in one line: “You are more beautiful than you think!”.
·         T dismisses the class.

Sheets of paper






·         The activity integrates pre and while reading parts of the lesson and Ss are able to provide output.

·       The beauty perception of the Ss is being challenged via re-decisions.

Contingency Plan:
If the lesson finishes earlier than expected, T makes Ss listen to a song related to the topic, and the Ss are supposed to fill the blanks in the lyrics of the song (Appendix C).

If there is no time enough to finish the lesson according to the plan, T asks Ss to write their descriptions in detail and bring them back to T the following class.

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