10 Haziran 2015 Çarşamba

First Teaching Lesson Plan


Name/Surname: Mücahide Gülsüm ÖREN            , Özlem ÖNAL                                             
Institution/ Context of language teaching: Atatürk Anatolian High School, 9th graders
Material Used: Flashcards, a picture of the school, colored papers
Lesson Focus: English Literature-Shape Poems
Learners’ previous knowledge:  Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple / Past Continuous/ Basic Vocabulary Knowledge, Speaking Skills for Pre-Intermediate Level
Learner profile: A2-B1
Anticipated problems & Remedies during Teaching:
Problem 1: It might not be possible to divide the class into six groups if there are some absent students.
Remedy 1: Teacher can substitute the positions of the missing students in the groups needed; or if there are too many students missing, only five groups can be formed instead of six.
Problem 2: Some students might not be able to relate the flashcards to the shapes they’re assigned to.
Remedy 2: Teacher will give some clues about the topic and direct students to be productive.
Goal of the lesson:
1-      To make students use their creativity to practice a specific literary genre combined with new vocabulary items.
2-      To make the students’ practice their writing, listening, and speaking skills in a creative way.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
  1. create their own poems by taking the prerequisites into consideration.
  2. recycle at least 5 vocabulary items in their poems.
  3. guess the shapes of the poems belonging to the other groups.

Lesson Plan (The Procedure)


Interaction Pattern






·         The T comes to the class and greets the students. T wants Ss to close their books and put them away before getting started.

·         T asks Ss from which neighborhood they’re coming to the class.

·         T talks about her weekly route while coming to Atatürk Anatolian High School and attaches a picture of it (Appendix 1) to the board in the meanwhile. She writes some keywords to the board while talking about  her feelings about the moment when she eventually sees the image of the school every week (METU, Sıhhiye, Atatürk Anatolian High School, Emine Hoca, affection, cool, creativity). T tells them she will write a meaningful text by using those keywords. In order to make them guess the topic, T doesn’t say what genre she is using while writing the text (Appendix 2). After finishing the poem T wants them to talk what they see on the board. By eliciting some answers, T directs Ss to the correct answer. In this way, T introduces the topic of “Shape Poems” to the class.

·         As the Ss’ attention shifted to the topic, T provides the Ss with some basic knowledge of the historical background of shape poems, and informs them on the current concept of the term.

A Picture of the School


ü  To make Ss feel comfortable and safe in the class
ü  To raise curiosity about what would happen in the lesson

ü  In order to make students familiar with the topic of the day
ü  To demonstrate how to create a shape poem

ü  To make a transition to the practice part





·         T informs the Ss that it’s their turn to produce some shape poems and divides them into six groups. Each group gets a set of flashcards including twenty five vocabulary items (See Appendix 3). Also, they are assigned to create their poems within the form of some specific shapes which are only known by T and the group members (See Appendix 4). This confidentiality is of utmost importance for the expected flow of the lesson, as in the following activity, the other groups will be assigned to work on those poems. T also adds that each group has to use at least 5 vocabulary items provided on the flashcards while creating their poems. T lets Ss start working on their poems after emphasizing that they have 20 minutes to complete the activity.

·         After the activity is completed, T wants one person from each group to read their poems aloud in front of the whole class. Upon finishing each poem, the other groups try to guess what shape they might have used or about what the poem might be. If the answers are correct, S who has read the poem out loud shows the shape of it to the class.

·         Upon finishing the activity, T applauses everybody for their contribution and creativity. Then, T dismisses the class after hanging the poems to the wall.




ü  To enhance student cooperation

ü  To create a suspense in the lesson

ü  To make the Ss internalize the 25 vocabulary items unconsciously while trying to integrate at least 5 of them into their poems

ü  To foster the Ss’ listening and speaking skills
ü  To create a game-like environment

ü  To motivate the Ss for further in-class participation

Contingency Plan: If the lesson finishes earlier than expected, T makes the Ss work on the activities in the course book. However, if there is no time to finish all the activities in class, T collects the poems to give feedback on them for the following lesson.

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