10 Haziran 2015 Çarşamba

Please answer the following questions after you complete Final Teaching Task.
            What were the strong aspects of your teaching? What are the points that you are happy with in your teaching experience?
This lesson plan was only a 40 minute lesson focusing on the topic the learners were dealing with during that time period. As the topic was the present perfect tense, we thought wanting them to create their own bucket lists with what they “have” or “haven’t done” so far. In this regard, I think our choice of topic was one of the very first things I was happy about this lesson, as it has really helped the learners conceptualize the topic in their minds.
If you had a chance to re-do the Teaching Task, what are the things you would change? What were the aspects of the activity or your teaching that could be/need to be re-designed if you had a second chance?
If I had a chance to re-do this lesson, I guess I would choose to formulate this very short 40 minute lesson into a 80 minute lesson, as the topic was rather suitable to be dealt with in more detail. We had the full attention of the learners and they seemed to be enjoying the activities on the plan, which proved that it was wrong to waste this good topic just on a 40 minute lesson, considering other kind of additional activities one could carry on the present perfect tense in the frame of this lesson plan.
What are some of the issues mentioned in your mentor’s feedback? How do you respond to these comments?

The general opinion of our mentor teacher was a rather positive one. She has really enjoyed the lesson together with the learners. She was impressed by the way we attracted the full attention of the learners without boring them to death. There were no negative comments on both on the lesson plan and the implementation of it.

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