10 Haziran 2015 Çarşamba

Personal Statement


Personal Statement

             I believe every person is like a unique universe in his/her own. Everybody has his/her own stars and moon delivering beams of hope during the darkest nights. And every night ends with the first smile of the sun breaking the curse of the previous night. The nature of life, however, permits this resurrection to live the life of a butterfly. The stars, the moon, and the sun continue to rearrange hand in hand with life itself. In the meanwhile, people affected by our gravity, revolve around us just as the planets move their own routes. This strange dance involves the share of laughter, sadness, tears, and happiness along the way. Most delicate feelings, quite ironically, form the strongest bonds among people. For me, literature is like the wind blowing. With its every visit, people who are miles away come together, metaphorically: the magical unification of separate universes. This reminds me of F. Scott Fitzgerald's beautiful statement, “That is part of the beauty of literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.” It has always been my continuous desire to have a deeper understanding of the universal longings to which I, too, belong. I have always wanted to discover what is shared by all the people, and what makes us actually the same in nature. For me, life is too short to try to prove one another how different we are. To achieve this, it's my wish to pursue my MA Degree in the field of American Culture and Literature.
This is exactly why it is my want to carry out my studies in the USA. I believe it will form an enormous step towards achieving my goal. Even though I have been mostly exposed to the English literature throughout my college years, I know it for sure that my actual interest lies in the works of American writers, poets, and playwrights. I am not only integratively but also intrinsically motivated towards the American culture including its music, food, people, and cinema. As it is a multicultural country, in which various cultures harmoniously coexist, studying in the USA will invaluably give me the chance of meeting people of other cultures. This will, in return, let me step into a completely new world I have never dreamed of before. These are some of my motives for applying for a Master’s program in the United States.
Talking about one’s own seems to be one of the most difficult deeds in existence. “A man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth”, says Oscar Wilde. I will follow his advice and tell you a story of a girl, whom I know very well. She was born and raised in Germany. Her stay for 14 years in that country enabled her to get to know two distinctively different cultures simultaneously.  It was the time when she started taking English courses that she realized that this is the language she admires most. However, at that moment she had no idea that in the future the English language would be the path leading her to the vast world of literature. She ranked first among the students who graduated from high school in 2011. Right now, she is a senior student at Middle East Technical University (METU). So far, METU has enabled her to take courses on literature called  'Introduction to Literature’, ‘English Literature I’, ‘English Literature II’, ‘Drama Analysis’,  ‘Modern Drama’, and ‘The Novel: Analysis and Teaching II’ , all of which she has passed with an AA. Additionally, Minoring in 'The German Language'  has made it possible for her to get an insight into a different type of literature by analyzing the texts in their original language through a course called ‘A Survey of German Literature’ . Her taking part in the EU student exchange programme Erasmus+ , as well, provided her the opportunity to take several literature courses especially focusing on American literature and culture such as “American Literature and Culture I”, “Jazz and American Literature”, and “The American Gothic”. She has also attended the ‘21st METU British Novelists Conferences: Bronté Sisters’, and worked as a student assistant there.
“Trust me, I'm telling you stories. … I can change the story. I am the story”, says Jeanette Winterson. Now that you have heard my story, I confidently assure you that with all my qualifications, determination, motivation, and my unflagging passion for literature, I am a suitable candidate for your institution.
“George Eliot says: “It’s never too late to be who you might have been”; the ending of this letter might be the start of somebody whom I would like to be, who knows?

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