Reflection Task IV
ELT Methods
just not fall behind our time! Following the current trends in ELT methodology
seem to be of utmost importance for us prospective teachers, as we will update
our lesson plans according to these highly “in” approaches. Some of those we
will cover this week are CLIL, NLP, and photocopy-free grammar practices. We
will see together whether these practices are adaptable into the lesson plans
or not. Let’s give it a start, and first throw a closer look at CLIL then. CLIL
stands for “Content and Language Integrated Learning”. As its name also suggests,
it pays significant importance on the subject matter, and the message you
intent to deliver via that language. It supports the idea that you can attract
learner attention and also keep it at a high rate till the end of the lesson
when you pay the content and context of the lesson the importance they deserve.
It also underlines the notion that fluency is far more important than accuracy.
This means, if the learners are somehow able to communicate in the target
language, then their grammar mistakes are tolerable. I personally believe that
CLIL can be adapted to learner classes with rather low proficiency levels and
this only for a limited time. However, if you tend to make use of CLIL with any
kind of learners and over a long period of time, I believe it might do harm to
the students. As grammar mistakes and pronunciation errors will not be
corrected that frequently, it might lead to eventual fossilizations in the
minds of the learners. When we move on to the second method on today’s list,
which is NLP, we see that it has a far different nature than CLIL. NLP as an
acronym stands for “Neuro Linguistic Programming”. When we use the term neuro
linguistic programming in an ELT setting, we might mean that the success of our
learners is generally determined by the way how they process the information they
attain. If I didn’t get this concept wrong, I think if the learners know in
what ways they learn better, their self-recognition can help them experience a
far easier and healthier learning process than without consulting to NLP at all.
As a supporter of the usage of suggestopedia, community language learning,
music, and drama in English classes, I have to say that I really liked the mentality
of integrating NLP with these approaches. I regard it applicable in almost any
context, of course after taking student needs and priorities into
consideration. The last methodology we will have a look at today is
“photocopy-free grammar practices”. These practices are actually some useful
tips and sample grammar activities which support the idea that not every
grammar activity requires photocopying. I especially liked the presentation of
the T/F activity, as it is a kind of activity we consult to quite often, but I
had never thought of presenting it in this way, but it seems to be much more
enjoyable and affective this way.
Thank You!
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